Storytellers who inspire, uplift, challenge and captivate women of all ages, races and cultures to see their God-given stories as powerful! Revealing transparency and empowering women to let their Lights Shine...Every story matters…

Write about what interests you, whether it's real things or imaginary things, and nothing else."   ~ C.S. Lewis

Now, come on!  Take a leap of faith, step out of your comfort zone and start changing lives!
Your story is still not complete... God is not done with you yet.


Women Storytellers Needed

Isn't it amazing how a string of words can change the way we think?  I know, it might seem intimidating to open up and share our lives with each other, as we say, to put the pen to the paper, but isn't it cool to think, God has given each of us a unique voice?  Maybe it's a true story about you or another woman in your family, or an imaginary tale with twists and turns, or maybe it's just a conversation you want to have with your girlfriends.  

All you have to do is be willing, to say “yes”to sharing a story!  There are all different kinds of storytellers.  Which one are you?  

Be Part of Our Team!  Here's What We're Looking For....

#Wordgirls (bloggers)


#Girlscribes (fiction)


#Lexis (non-fiction)


A blog is merely a tool that lets you do anything from change the world to share your shopping list.    ~ Unknown
“I truly believe that people are looking for stories that really mean something – stories that are redemptive, inspiring, and bigger than an individual.”   ~ Scott Harrison

Just living is telling a story.  You're put on this earth to tell that story, to share those stories."  ~ Judith Jamison

If you've said yes, then awesome.  We are so excited to have you share with us.  Here are some guidelines as to what we're looking for...


  • Submissions should be original and between 400-600 words

  • Tell a story with a message, something we can learn from or be inspired by.  It can be a funny quip or a tragic tale, but please try to focus on having it make a positive impact.

  • We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity and readability, however, we will do our best to keep the integrity of the story and not lose your voice.

  • A short (40-50 word) bio to introduce yourself

  • All relevant links to your blog, Twitter, etc.

  • A picture of yourself

  • A picture related to your story, something that can give vision to what you're trying to create.  Please find something we can legally use :)

We are thrilled you have said “yes” and are taking this step with us.  Once we receive everything, please give us 2 weeks to get back to you and let you know if we can use your piece.  We can't wait to read your stories!